Membership Details

Membership Categories: There are two broad categories of members

1. General Members

The category of “General Members” shall be eligible to be invited as also participate and vote at any General or other meeting of Andhra Pradesh Chambers. There are sub-categories in General Members as under:

i) Affiliates

ii) Corporate

iii) Active

2. Formal Members

The category of “Formal Members” shall neither be eligible to be invited nor can they participate in General body meeting of Andhra Pradesh Chambers. They can be invited for specific meetings as decided by Board. There are sub-categories in Formal Members as under:

i) Associate

ii) Student

iii) Special

iv) Honorary


(i) Any registered association or other legal entity in Andhra Pradesh truly representative of any primary economic activity of its members and having an abiding interest in the objectives of Andhra Pradesh Chambers shall be eligible to apply for membership under “Affiliate” category.

(ii) Any person, Company, Corporation, Firm, Concern or other legal business entity in India actively engaged in any economic activity and having an abiding interest in the objectives of Andhra Pradesh Chambers shall be eligible to apply for membership under “Corporate” or “Active” or “Associate” category.

(iii) Any person, studying graduation or post-graduation in India or elsewhere and having an interest in the objectives of Andhra Pradesh shall be eligible to apply for membership under “Student” category.

(iv) The Board of Directors shall confer (or revoke) “Honorary” membership by a majority vote to individuals for distinction in public affairs who shall have all the privileges of members except the right to vote and shall be exempt from payment of any fees to Andhra Pradesh Chambers.


Membership Admission Fee and Annual Subscriptions shall be at such rate or rates, schedule or formula, terms and conditions as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the Board and shall be payable in advance subject to the provisions of “Manual of Procedure on Membership.”


In any proceeding in which voting by members is called for, each member in good standing from “General Members” category, i.e., Affiliate, Corporate and Active sub-categories shall be entitled to cast number of votes as per the “Manual Procedure” laid out from time to time and the same is applicable only for general Body Meetings as representative of the member. The “Formal Members” category, i.e., Associate, Student, Special and Honorary sub-categories shall not have any voting rights.

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